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European mutual and cooperative insurers strengthen their commitment to sustainability

European mutual and cooperative insurers strengthen their commitment to sustainability

Press Release

AMICE becomes supporting institution for the UN Environment Programme Principles for Sustainable insurance; launches new sustainability body

The Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe (AMICE), the voice of the mutual and cooperative insurance sector in Europe, is proud to announce that it has become a  supporting institution of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative Principles for Sustainable Insurance (UNEP PSI). The PSI Initiative is a global framework for the insurance industry to address environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities. It is the largest collaborative initiative between the United Nations (UN) and the insurance industry. The principles are a clear, stated and public commitment to sustainability goals. They are aligned with European sustainability objectives.

AMICE President Grzegorz Buczkowski said: “Sustainability and long-term protection are at the heart of the mutual/cooperative insurance model. On behalf of mutual and cooperative insurers across Europe, AMICE supports and encourages the commitments and ambitions of the Principles for Sustainable Insurance to ensure transparency, accountability and the future security of policyholders, society and
economies. AMICE believes that sustainability is crucial for a viable future for all.”

Full Press Release