

AMICE Membership Categories

AMICE is a member-led organisation. It reflects the values of its members by focussing on their best interests, and therefore working in the best interests of its members’ policyholders.

AMICE currently has 71 full members, 2 associate members and 3 supporting members. Through national associations representing mutual/cooperative insurers, AMICE represents in excess of 425 insurance entities in Europe.

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Interactive Map

Click on the country below or the map for more details.



Aéma Groupe

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Association des Assureurs Mutualistes (AAM)

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MA SA (Inter Mutuelles Assistance)

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Mutualite Francaise

FNMF - Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française

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Mutuelle de Poitiers Assurances

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Relyens Mutual Insurance

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Associate Member

Association Euresa

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Associate Member

la Réunion des Organismes d'Assurance Mutuelle

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Supporting Member

OFI Invest

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Concordia Versicherungsgruppe

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Continentale Krankenversicherung a.G.

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Debeka Versicherungsvereine

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Gartenbau - Versicherung VVaG

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HUK-Coburg Haftpflicht-Unterstützungs-Kasse kraftfahrender Beamten Deutschlands a.G. in Coburg

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Itzehoer Versicherung Brandgilde von 1691 VVaG

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LVM Landwirtschaftlicher Versicherungsverein Münster a.G.

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Mecklenburgische Versicherungsgesellschaft a.G.

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R+V Versicherung AG

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SIGNAL IDUNA Krankenversicherung a.G.

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SIGNAL IDUNA Lebensversicherung a.G.

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SIGNAL IDUNA Unfallversicherung a.G.

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Amplify your voice inside Europe’s mutual/cooperative insurance advocacy community

Joining AMICE means having access to an impressive range of resources and people that work within the mutual sector. It means having the opportunity to:

– see how European legislation influences your organisation and

– advocate within our community for a fairer legislative environment for the mutual/cooperative insurance community to which you belong.

AMICE regularly makes representations to European policymakers communicating the sector’s knowledge, concerns and expertise with a view to improving the European environment for mutual and cooperative insurers.  AMICE is actively involved in many areas which directly affect the current and future environments for our members, including regulation, legislation, sustainability, digitalisation, fiscal treatments, and society issues.

Join us today!

AMICE Membership Benefits

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AMICE full membership is open to mutual and cooperative insurers in Europe and their national associations.

Associate membership is open to certain categories of European organisation that promote mutual and cooperative principles.

Other interested parties may request supporting member status.

Membership fees are calculated on the basis of gross premium income.

Questions on membership? Contact the AMICE Secretariat

AMICE Application Form

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